Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Actually Moving Isn't So Bad

Turns out there's something a whole lot worse than moving. Not Moving. Yes, that's right, at this point I'd rather be moving.

Our Escrow keeps on getting extended. I'm not sure if that's the right way to put it, but it's what's happening. Every week, they tell us "Escrow will close next Tuesday," and then Tuesday comes around and the thing is not closing. Oh no, *next* Tuesday. Oh sorry, it's going to have to be pushed back to the Tuesday after that.

I've cancelled three weeks of piano lessons so far, I've missed two voice lessons of my own, my husband has already taken his week off to move two weeks ago, and every day, we get closer to The Big Day of my girls' entire lives - Halloween. And guess what? My sewing stuff is still packed away, I still have no place to sew, and the costumes are not made. I was supposed to have time to make them after moving, on the 10th of this month.

So, as of now, our escrow is supposed to close on Tuesday (I've heard that one before), our U-Haul has been rebooked for the third time, and we're moving in 9 days.


At 9:17 AM, Blogger Saints and Spinners said...

Aieee! Any compensations?

At 9:40 AM, Blogger BlueMamma said...

ha ha ha.


except that we get more time to be more fully packed and prepared. which, i guess, is a silver lining. but i'd rather be moved in.

At 8:49 PM, Blogger Rob said...

Oh my goodness, a blog have we now?!

Are you moving closer to Dodger Stadium?

At 4:26 PM, Blogger BlueMamma said...

yeah yeah, i have my own blog. we're moving closer to DS - about one mile closer. not enough to make a diference.

hey, thanks for stopping by!

At 11:03 PM, Blogger Saints and Spinners said...

And then what happened?????


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